Will Electrolysis work for PCOS?

In short, Yes.

Do you suffer with PCOS? You’re not alone. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition which is often linked to excess of the hormone androgen, in the body. High levels of androgen can result in excess facial and body hair. We call this, Hirsutism.

Electrolysis is the permanent solution to Hirsutism and excess hair caused by PCOS. As an electrologist, what I can guarantee is that the hair you have, we can permanently remove. However, I have no control over your hormones. We can not guarantee that your body will not produce more hair, therefore it is a good idea in combination with Electrolysis, that you see your family doctor about medication to regulate your hormones.

Your family Doctor will best advise as far as medications such as combination birth control to decrease androgen and increase estrogen productions.

Excess hair growth resulting from PCOS is a condition that is successfully treated by electrolysis. Electrolysis is recommended for the treatment of PCOS hair growth by reputable physicians and clinics such as the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic.


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